水务保护我们的 最宝贵的IM电竞

Itron offers water metering, 数据收集, 分析, water leak detection and other modern solutions to make every drop count.


Protect our precious water supply, reduce leaks and promote wise water usage

Leverage Itron’s deep industry expertise to solve your 配水 challenges of today—and to equip you for the challenges of tomorrow.

  • 保护你的收入

    Over a third of water pumped is lost to water leaks. Reduce loss and protect revenue with leak detection and 分析 solutions.

  • 获得数据驱动的见解

    Combine smart devices and 分析 to gain actionable understanding of water metering and use, 配水, 漏水及其他.

  • 利用可信的建议

    优化操作, improve consumer satisfaction and manage your business while complying with regulatory mandates—all with the help of our industry expertise.

  • 获得的互操作性

    Deliver multiple applications and services thanks to our open, interoperable platform.

连接每个液滴 Are Your 水-Loss And Conservation Efforts Up To Date?

Learn how to take the necessary steps to address water scarcity challenges.

特色 产品和IM电竞

  • Temetra

    Streamline meter 数据收集 through smart route management, 可视化映射可, billing integration and much more with our cloud-based solution for water utilities.

  • Temetra分析

    Detect and reduce real and apparent water losses, identify and prioritize pipe maintenance, and enable proactive communication with your customers.

  • 通信模块

    Trust the people who made AMI an industry standard.


客户 成功

    • 俾斯麦城


      与一个 可怕的,可怕的 阅读率, estimates for half its water meter population and leaks in the system, Bismarck needed a solution—Itron delivered.

    • Clayton County 水 Authority

      "5 billion gallons saved"

      Non-revenue water losses were nearing 20%, but officials in Clayton County, GA took action with AMI meters and leak detection, 节省了4美元.3 million in eight years.

    • 普洛佛水

      Beneath the Surface: After the Storm

      Leveraging Itron’s AMI and 分析 solutions, 普洛佛水 restored service to its island residents in four days after Hurricane Irma.

    Improve Operations with Connected Endpoints

    Featuring a compact design, leading battery life and advanced 数据收集 technology, water devices from Itron connect to a variety of water meters, 收集更好的见解, 检测漏水, 优化用水, and streamline operations.

    水 AMI Value Calculator

    八个问题. 两分钟. Find out how much water and money you could be saving with AMI.

    Address 水 Resource Challenges by Digitalizing Your Distribution Network


    • Article

      The Benefits of Using Hydraulic Modeling

      读文章 在新窗口中打开
    • Video


    • 白皮书

      Want to improve your water conservation program?

      阅读白皮书 在新窗口中打开
    • 网络研讨会

      IoT Canopies—Deploy 水 AMI Today!

      看网络研讨会 在新窗口中打开